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First of all I would like to tell few words about the role of youth in our society. As far as we know youth play big and main role in our country. The country is not able to develop without gifted youth and youth are the future of the country and nationality too. Youth of Tajikistan organize the main part of our population. Nowadays our country needs well educated youth.

As the youth are invaluable wealth of nowadays society of Tajikistan, we want from the leader of Tajikistan to provide collected condition to them.

Actually youth is probably the best time of young life, because being young means romance, love, new discoveries and so on but it also the most difficult time because you have to make some very important decisions,  which will influence all your future life. Youth are power of creator and founder of our country try to hoist the flag of our country in the world arena.

It is necessary to notice that youth have to act well and support a way of healthy life.»As the leader of nation Mr.Emomali Rahmon usually notices: «Youth are the power of creator and founder»,»Youth are the future of nationality».

And such phrases are our slogan. Of course youth will always be worthy these names on that time when before all they satisfied from self knowledge and notional self consciousness and respect them.

In our beautiful and charming country every the 23-rd of May is marked as the day of youth.

The leader of our country dear Emomali Rahmon every year tries to have a talk with active youth to encourage them and always lectures them on morals like a father.

We have to respect our last generation lectures and admonitions.

If all youth lean upon to our forefathers anybody can scatter us.

A clever youth can be instructive to others with his model behavior.

Our President always expresses that youth must be well educated and should know two or more foreign languages and modern technology as well.

By the way, our president tries to provide all kind of opportunity for youth  and he always supports them indeed. So actually we have all chances in our country to improve our knowledge and gain our experiences well. We have got quota of President, Internet in all corners of our country, many libraries, electronic libraries which are full of various books. There are all kind of Universities, and other educational centers in Tajikistan where we can enter and continue our education and get invaluable professions.

Particularly the fate of our country is in youth  hand and they must bear responsibility and can share for developing our native land. As all know there are no any countries which can be developed without branch of education and experienced experts.

Fortunately we are happy that there are a great number of well-educated youth who the leader of country relies upon them.

It should be mentioned that the founder of Peace and national Unity-leader of nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali  Rahmon has declared 2017   «year the of youth».

2017 was announced the year of youth in Tajikistan. Announcing current year as the year of youth during the annual Address Head of the State of Republic is a big support for youth of the country in order to improve their knowledge in all spheres, improve their activities in daily life of present society.

The youth have to provide active participation in the country socio-political, economic and cultural life solve their social problems and protect their right for effective realization of the relevant state program on youth policy, increase state care for young generation and appraise their contributions science, education, economy, culture, state administration and other fields.

Nowadays students of higher educational Institutions are trying in this direction purposeful to complete the initiative  of the leader of nation Emomali rahmon. For example in last century the youth had not such chances and opportunities that have been available with the support Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In this regard we can remind from the establishment of the magnificient building, the «kulob State University named Abuabdulloh  Rudaki» it is the in the region . It has all conditions, including electronic reading room that was connected to high speed internet, free short training courses on learning foreign languages, such as Chinese, Russian, English and others.

Emomali Rahmon called on local youth to participate more actively in social and political affairs and development of new innovative projects.

«We reportedly called on youth not to join terrorist and extremist organization and pay more attention to the study of sciences and their spiritual     and physical development».

Address by the Founder of peace and Nationality Unity-leader of Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon majlisi oli, December 22.2016.

At the conclusion I should like to thank god that we live in clear sky of Tajikistan and we have freedom, independence and I am sure that the future of our country is bright.

Saidova Nilufar,

senior teacher of the chair of 

linguistic and comparative typology

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